Double High Lovely

Here’s something fun!  Karen Burniston did a video to make her Katie Label Pivot die twice as big and it’s a great way to show off beautiful DSP and fun stamps.  I used the Eastern Elegance Designer Series paper and the SAB set You’re Lovely to make this 5 x 7 card. 

Here it is open and it’s amazingly pretty sturdy!  (Though the photograph is kind of wonky) 

I added some Dazzling Detail to the flowers for just a touch of sparkle.

Stamp Set – You’re Lovely
Card Stock – Coastal Cabana, Crushed Curry, Whisper White, Eastern Elegance
Ink – Basic Gray
Stampin Write Markers – Crushed Curry, Pear Pizzazz
Etc – Pop It Up Katie Label die, Agatha Edges Framelit, Deco Label Framelit, Regal buttons, Epic Day Washi Tape, Baker’s twine

I hope you’ll try it and share what you make!  Hugs, Fran

Updated: February 15, 2014 — 12:00 pm


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  1. How beautiful!!! I love this accordion cards!! Thank you for the link to Karen’s video, it’s very simple to follow.

  2. Oh it’s so lovely! You really are a master, Fran!

  3. Fran, I love the use of the Eastern Elegance DSP with the SAB stamps. Lovely combo.

  4. Very pretty!

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