Category: Special Projects

Halloween CASE

I’m sure you’ve heard someone say they “cased” something – but what does it mean?  Copy And Share Everything!  And here’s an example!

NoTimeTo Stamp’s blogand really loved it!  Then when Nancy posted hers on her blog – I just had to make one!  Casing is a great way to get your creative juices going!  As as long as you give credit where credit is due – it’s a good thing!  Not to mention you end up with great projects!  My project is exactly the same as NoTime To Stamp showed it.  I added the pumpkins from Craved and Candlelit and used the Party Punch hostess set for my tab.  Enjoy!  Hugs, Fran

Fast and Fun

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Here’s a view of what it could look like holding a photo – great gifts or a fun way to decorate your mantle during the holidays. And a great way to use up some smaller pieces of all that wonderful Designer Series Paper!  Enjoy!  Hugs, Fran